This page contains my personal videos or photos, just skip it if you feel don't want to see them.
Halaman ini berisi foto dan video pribadi, silakan dilewati jika kalian tidak berkenan.

-3 May 2020-
Stay away from the viruses! The beginning of the pandemic😩
Due to the coronavirus disease situation, we need to take a vast preventive step to stop the virus from spreading and infecting more people every day! So, there’re best solutions that we can do, just as simple as a stay at home, wear your masks, and stay away from the crowd! Together we can fight the viruses!

-17 January 2021-
I was reviewing durian. I think I’m going to be a good food vlogger.

-23 January 2021
I think that my hairstyle was so good. All of the hairstyles and colours Are also good. Just be yourself.

-10 February 2021-

I just feel wanna sing, wanna talk, and wanna sleep. I swear it's nothing. 🧢🧢

